OK so not many of us are really looking past the next few months when it comes to marketing but it really does pay to think long term. Generating good quality editorial press coverage takes time and most lifestyle magazines have a schedule and are working 4-5 months ahead. For example we are working on early spring editorials at the moment, images filled with spring themes, cheerful pastels, daffodils, crocuses, spring cleaning ideas, Valentines menus etc, you get the general idea. So, if you want to get ahead of the game then think long term planning, start collating a PR schedule listing topics you can talk about with confidence. Put some thought into forecasting trends or writing reviews, tie in PR opportunities with events and exhibitions and of course the seasons. As our core clients work within the homes, interiors and luxury lifestyles industries our PR calenders for 2014 are already taking great shape and include…
- Events… Design Week, Country Living Fair, Grand Designs, Decorex, 100% Design, Milan Furniture Fair
- Topics… Eco Friendly Furnishings, Natural Furnishings, Italian Designers, Spring and Summer Colours
- Trends… Natural Fibres, Eco Friendly Interiors, Wood Flooring, Nordic Style Interiors, Out of Africa
- Forecasts… Buying British, supporting local craftsmen and artists, new home stores and product launches
- Expert Advice… How to decorate naturally, sourcing reclaimed materials, top tips for healthy interiors